Often lost in the MSL training modules is the importance of mastering first impressions and ensuring this “art” is part of the Medical Science Liaison skills set.

Did you know? Research indicates that most individuals form their initial impression of someone within a mere seven seconds.*

Moreover, consider this: A recent study on website visitors suggests that it takes just 2.57 seconds to frustrate one and make a negative first impression.

Wow! 2.57 seconds to make up your mind? At least, it’s 0.85 seconds slower than an Aspark Owl reaching 60 mph (supercar lovers can check this out here).

Impressive, isn’t it? In a world where milliseconds matter, the significance of a strong first impression cannot be overstated. Yet, this discussion isn’t about cars or websites—it’s about the pivotal role of Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) in consistently making exceptional first impressions, thereby leaving a lasting impact every time they engage with External Experts. Regardless of whether it’s through an introductory email, a phone call, or a face-to-face meeting, the importance of first impressions for MSLs cannot be understated for several key reasons:

Establishing Immediate Credibility: MSLs interface with respected healthcare professionals and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), necessitating an immediate establishment of credibility. A positive first impression not only instills confidence but also underscores the MSL’s reliability and expertise, critical in the realm of pharmaceutical science where accuracy is paramount.

Building Trust: Trust forms the bedrock of successful interactions in the healthcare sector. A favorable first impression goes a long way in fostering trust, ensuring that healthcare professionals value and heed the insights shared by MSLs.

Facilitating Effective Communication: MSLs often convey intricate scientific information. A positive initial impression sets the stage for open and constructive communication, facilitating the comprehension and appreciation of key scientific messages.

Enhancing Relationship Building: Strong, professional relationships are integral to the MSL role. Positive first impressions lay the groundwork for meaningful connections with healthcare professionals and stakeholders, pivotal for collaboration and the effective dissemination of scientific initiatives.

Maximizing Impact of Scientific Information: MSLs are entrusted with disseminating critical scientific information. A favorable first impression ensures that this information is received with receptivity and interest, enhancing the likelihood of its uptake and application.

Adapting to Diverse Settings: MSLs operate in diverse environments, requiring adaptability and rapport-building skills. A strong first impression facilitates seamless navigation of these environments, ensuring effective engagement across varied settings.

Mitigating Misconceptions: First impressions can shape perceptions, making it imperative to start on the right foot to prevent misconceptions about the MSL’s role, the individual’s demeanor, or the information they provide.

First impressions are not merely fleeting moments but rather pivotal determinants of success for Medical Science Liaisons. By prioritizing impactful and positive initial interactions, MSLs can lay the groundwork for credibility, trust, and effective communication, ultimately shaping the trajectory of their professional relationships with External Experts and contributions to the overall physician community.

Furthermore, beyond the immediate benefits, making a positive first impression offers numerous advantages in both personal and professional realms. From exerting positive influence and enhancing social interactions to bolstering one’s professional image and memorability, the ramifications are far-reaching and enduring.

While first impressions are undeniably significant, it’s essential to recognize that they are just the beginning. Consistency in behavior, genuine interactions, and ongoing efforts to nurture positive connections are equally indispensable for sustained success and fulfillment in both personal and professional spheres.

Ultimately, mastering the art of first impressions, and making sure it is part of the Medical Science Liaison skills set, isn’t merely about making an impact—it’s about forging enduring relationships, leaving a lasting imprint, and consistently striving for excellence in every interaction, today and beyond.

Always think about these “keys”:

Prepare. Know the content you have to share and learn about the KOL you will meet and the professional setting where the KOL operates. Being well prepared provides confidence.

Be memorable (in a good way!); Be a reference; Be recommendable. 


*How to Make a Good First Impression: 14 Tips to Try (hubspot.com), How to Make a Great First Impression (hbr.org)

Article inspired by our report: Medical Science Liaison Training Guide