In part 1 of 3 on Navigating KOL Engagement Dynamics-Influence Levels by Phase, we present our first key insight from our KOL engagement strategy report. This article addresses how pharmaceutical companies engage with KOLs possessing specific backgrounds suited to support the activities of the pharmaceutical organization during particular times within a product development lifecycle.

The use of varying levels of KOL influence shifts distinctly from one phase of a product’s development to the next, as illustrated in the figure below. During the early stages of product development—from pre-clinical trials to Phase 3—companies predominantly engage with top-level influencers, with close to a third of their engagements being with top-level KOLs in Phase 2, and 40% or more with international-level KOLs from pre-clinical to Phase 2.  These key influencers typically comprise leading experts and authorities in their relevant field, with very high peer recognition. These high-level tiers KOLs can provide valuable insights and promote the foundational scientific merits of the product to their extensive and widespread networks. From pre-clinical to Phase 3, surveyed Medical Affairs executives reported an average of 64% of engagements are done with Rare and International Thought Leaders, peaking at 69% in Phases 1 and 2, and gradually winding down to 56% in Phase 3.

KOL engagement

As the product progresses to the launch stage, there is a strategic shift in focus towards national and local Thought Leaders, taking a larger 57% portion of engagements and reducing activities with higher levels KOLs. This transition is critical to understand as it allows companies to adapt their messaging to be more region-specific and relevant to local patient populations. Engaging with these Thought Leaders helps ensure that the product information is not only scientifically robust but also culturally and contextually tailored. These national and local figures often have a direct influence on their peers and end users, making their endorsement pivotal in building credibility and acceptance of the new product within different communities.

This nuanced approach to “pharma influencer” engagement enables companies to maximize the impact of their communication strategies throughout the product lifecycle, ensuring that each phase of product development, and subsequent marketed phase, is supported by the most effective and appropriate advocacy.

Insight for KOL Engagement Dynamics-Influence Levels by Phase was extracted from the full study “Thought Leader Utilization: Refining Strategies and Tactics for Optimal KOL Engagement“.