What KOLs think of MSLs? The good news is that everyone is doing a fairly good job! The bad news is…well there isn’t much bad news here. It seems KOLs really appreciate MSLs, maybe with just a few that don’t excel but no real bad apples! Overall ranking assessment of the quality of the relationships with MSLs is above 5 out of 10, and no one company averages over 9. There are companies that fall below average, but the grades are not bad. The question submitted was: Please assess each MSL you interact with on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is a poor relationship and 10 is an excellent relationship.

We were certainly happy to see how this metric turned out. For the companies looking to refine their MSL/KOL approaches and relationships, we have a few reports that can help (details below), or if you really want to know how YOUR KOLs assess each MSL they work with, including yours, then get in touch with us at info@arxresearch.com to learn about customized KOL feedback solutions.

Our extensive global KOL feedback research (500+ KOLs from 43 countries) provided this ranking. We aggregated results of the research into four reports that outlines what these KOLs look for in a relationship with MSLs – available for Asia-Pacific, Europe, LatAm and US.

These reports, which include what KOLs think of MSLs in each studied region – Exclusive Insights on Preferences and Expectations of Thought Leaders – as well as our newest study on how companies work with KOLs through each phase of a product lifecycle are available here:

[LINK]KOL Feedback and Thought Leader Management Studies

Studies on KOL Feedback contain information on:

Interaction Metrics: Current vs. Preferred
-Communication Channels
-Modes of Interaction
-Length of On-site Meetings
-Frequency of Interactions
-Virtual Exchange Platforms

Importance and Effectiveness of Interactions
-Degree of Importance of Interactions
-Effectiveness of Interactions

What Matters to Thought Leaders
-Content of Exchanges

Basic Requirements for MSLs

Studies on thought leader management contain:

Thought Leaders’ Point of Contact
Thought Leader Engagement Approaches, Timelines and Categories
Thought Leader Utilization during (detailled for pre-clinical to post-launch)

-Thought Leader Targets
-Targeted Levels of Thought Leader Influence
-Thought Leader Activities

Access to Thought Leaders
Degree of Difficulty

In Summary
Aggregate Study Results
Thought Leader Engagement Strategy Framework Model